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US Child Labor Laws are Changing at Pace, Here’s How to Keep Child Labor out of your Supply Chain

US Child Labor Laws are Changing at Pace, Here’s How to Keep Child Labor out of your Supply Chain

As the US remains engulfed in a child labor crisis, companies with US supply chains may be bewildered by the ...
Migrant workers farming

Keeping the USA Free From Forced Labor: What the Private Sector Can Do

An estimated one million people, or 3.3 out of every 1000 people in the USA exist in conditions of Modern ...
Women working at a garment factory

Women-Centric Worker Voice Technology: How Companies Can Strengthen Women’s Rights in the Workplace

The ILO’s most recent report on modern slavery and forced labor identified women workers as acutely vulnerable to human rights ...
Canadian Parliament

5 Practical Steps Towards Compliance: What Canada’s New Era of Modern Slavery Enforcement Means for Companies

With the S-211 forced labor regulation, Canada is taking steps to ensure companies are ready to eradicate forced labor from ...
Supply chain logistics and transportation

5 Misconceptions About Implementing Human Rights Due Diligence

As new regulations are making human rights due diligence (HRDD) mandatory across the globe, companies need to get closer to ...
Community members looking at mine from vista point

From the Ground Up: Future-Proofing Social Compliance in the Extractive Industries with Stakeholder Voice Technology

Geopolitical tensions and the energy transition have thrust the extractive industries into the limelight. The discourse around mining is no ...
2022 Fifa World Cup Qatar Match

Digital Platform Will Leave a Lasting Legacy for Migrant Worker Rights at Mega-Sporting Events

The FIFPRO World Players’ Union, Building and Wood Workers' International (BWI), International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF) and Ulula are breaking ...
EU Parliament

Human Rights Due Diligence Reporting Obligations under the EU CSRD: 4 Steps to Success

The updated drafts of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group’s (EFRAG) European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) are in. The new ...
German flags flying over the Bundestag

A Practical Guide to Designing an Effective and Inclusive Value-Chain Complaints Procedure Under the SCDDA

Since January 1st 2023, German companies with over 3,000 employees are expected to implement the German Supply Chain Due Diligence ...