General Terms and Conditions
By using the Ulula Platform or by purchasing services from Ulula via the Ulula Platform, a Purchase Page, a Ulula Software and Professional Services Agreement, and/or other form of agreement that expressly incorporates these Terms (collectively referred to as an “Order” herein), you hereby agree to be bound by the following general terms and conditions (“Terms”) which may be updated and amended from time to time by Ulula (subject to any limitations provided herein). If you continue to use the Ulula Platform after such an update or enter into another Order after such an update, you agree to be bound by the updated Terms. In these Terms, anytime we mention “we”, “us” or “Ulula” we mean Ulula Canada Inc. Anytime we mention “Customer”, “you” or “your” we mean you, the user of the Ulula Platform (or in the case you are authorized to act on behalf of a legal entity, such a legal entity). The combination of an Order with these Terms shall be referred to as the “Agreement”. Terms as defined in an Order apply throughout these Terms.
1.1 Definitions
a) “Affiliate” any corporation, company, or other entity, which: (i) is Controlled by a party hereto; or (ii) Controls a party hereto; or (iii) is under common Control with a Party hereto; (iv) or an entity which is Controlled by the same Controlling entity as a Party, for so long as such Control exists. For this purpose “Control” means that more than fifty percent (50%) of the controlled entity’s shares or ownership interest representing the right to make decisions for such an entity are owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by the controlling entity.
b) “Analytics License” a type of Software Service license that allows for the access and download of certain analytics and generation of automated reports, each related to certain listed Workplaces as further described in the Order.
c) “Analytics Licensee” means the Customer if the Customer purchases an Analytics License.
d) “Anonymized Data” means Services Data that has been de-identified, aggregated, or anonymized and any data generated or derived by Ulula in the performance of these Terms that does not identify the Customer or any End User or Stakeholder.
e) “Community Member” means an individual whose life is, or reasonably could be, impacted by a Customer-identified Workplace (e.g. an individual that lives in close proximity to the Workplace, etc.); for certainty, Community Members are not Workers.
f) “Customer Data” means all data relating to the Customer (including account data) supplied or provided by, imported or uploaded to, or generated by, or otherwise made available to Ulula or its Affiliates by the Customer in connection with these Terms.
g) “Customer Materials” means all of the materials, data (other than Customer Data) and documents that may be provided by the Customer to Ulula or its Affiliates in connection with the performance of the Implementation Work, any Professional Services and the Software Services.
h) “Data Controller” means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.
i) “Data Processor” means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.
j) “End User” means a representative of the Customer (who must be at least 18 years of age) that is provided access to a User Account.
k) “Fees” means amounts payable to Ulula by Customer as identified on the relevant Order.
l) “Purchase Page” means the certain page of the Website at which you purchase certain access to the Ulula Platform and its Software Services, based on the terms, conditions, specifications, and quantities listed on that Purchase Page and order confirmations related thereto. Purchase Pages are a type of Order.
m) “Services” mean, collectively, the Software Services and Professional Services.
n) “Services Data” means any data and information generated through the combination of Stakeholder Data, Workplace Data, and Customer Data, use and performance of the Software Services and analytics performed by Ulula or its Affiliates.
o) “Software Services” means services provided by Ulula to Customer via the Ulula Platform.
p) “Software Documentation” means any available user guide documentation (whether in material or electronic form or other form) concerning the use of the Software Services, including without limitation such documentation provided on the Order
q) “Stakeholder” means a Community Member or Worker invited to, or identified by, the Customer to participate in a SaaS Solution based survey or to provide feedback or report a grievance to the Customer via the Service (SaaS) Solution.
r) “Stakeholder Data” means all data and information, including personal information, about Stakeholders that is provided by the Customer to Ulula or its Affiliates or that is provided by Stakeholders to Ulula or its Affiliates in connection with the performance of these Terms and Customer’s use of the Software Services.
s) “Term” means the duration for which the Customer is receiving services from Ulula under these Terms.
t) “Ulula Platform” means the digital platform offering Ulula’s products or services; without limiting the foregoing, the Ulula Platform may include any of the following: Ulula Plus (U+); Ulula Voice; Ulula Impact; Ulula Broadcast; Ulula Connect; Ulula Self-Assessment Questionnaires; and the Ulula App.
u) “Website” means
v) “Worker” means, as it relates to the organization that operates a Workplace relevant to a Software Service-based survey, an employee, independent contractor, or other compensated individual.
w) “Workplace” means Customer-identified site, facility or region related to the Customer’s operations (e.g. a production facility that manufactures Customer products; a mining Workplace that produces materials used in Customer products; a geographical region that is impacted by Customer’s operations).
x) “Workplace Data” means materials, data, and documents provided by the Customer, Workers, and Stakeholders in relation to operations of a Workplace.
y) “Workplace License” means a type of Software Service that allows for certain Workplaces to be continuously monitored with 4 surveys per year, with unlimited Worker participation and access to a dashboard that provides live analytics for each of the designated Workplace(s), as further described in the Order and Software Documentation.
z) “Workplace Licensee” means the Customer if the Customer purchases a Workplace License.
2. Services
2.1 Software Services. Ulula will, in consideration of payment of the Fees, during the Term, grant access to Ulula Platform and the Software Services available to the Customer in accordance with these Terms and subject to the restrictions and limitations and conditions specified herein. Fees will be payable in accordance with the Payment Schedule described in an Order; if no such schedule is described in the Order, payment must be made before the Customer is provided access to any Software Services. Access to and use of the Software Services is limited to the authorized number of: Workplaces, User Accounts, Worker, and other limitations specified in the relevant Order.
2.2 Registration. Once Customer has provided timely payment of the Fees (i.e. installment(s) in accordance with an Order or full upfront payment if no Payment Schedule is described), Customer may authorize the agreed-upon number of End Users to register a Software Service account (“User Account”). Only individuals registered to a User Account may access and use the Software. Registered User Account holders may not share access to the Software or User Account login information (e.g. user name, password) with other persons. The Customer is responsible for ensuring the security of all User Account passwords and for all activity and use of the Software (including without limitation compliance with the terms hereof) by User Account holders or other persons having access to the Software. End users must comply with the terms of the Agreement, including without limitation terms governing use of the Software Service.
2.3 Documentation. The Customer shall be entitled to access, download, and print Software Documentation solely for its internal use during the Term in connection with and for the purpose of its use of the Software Services.
2.4 Implementation Work. To the extent described in the Order, Ulula will deliver the Implementation Work; the Implementation Work (if any) must be completed before Customer’s use of the Software Services may commence. Customer and Ulula will cooperate to complete the Implementation Work. Ulula agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to complete the Implementation Work in accordance with any target delivery schedule specified; any Customer-caused delays with respect to this completion (e.g. non-responsiveness, delay in providing necessary documentation or information, delay in providing feedback if so requested by Ulula) will cause any completion deadlines agreed to by Ulula to extend for the same duration as the Customer’s delay. Implementation Work is deemed completed once it is provided to Customer provided that it materially complies with the details described in the Order. All delivery and completion dates are targets and Ulula shall not be liable for any failure to meet any such dates for any reason.
2.5 Surveys. Certain Services made available on the Ulula Platform include the provision of Workplace monitoring surveys which will be administered by Ulula (“Surveys”). Survey packs are the only element of purchased Services that can be cancelled by Customer over the course of the Term; to cancel its access to Survey provision and results, Customer will submit a cancellation request to; cancellation will take effect within 30 days from Ulula’s receipt of a cancellation request. Depending on the Services owed to the Customer (as described in the Order), Custom Surveys or Standardized Surveys may be conducted. “Custom Surveys” are administered pursuant to specific and individualized Customer requests made during Implementation Work; Customer is the data controller in this scenario. “Standardized Surveys” include pre-set questions and are administered during pre-set times (e.g. Survey packs); Ulula is the data controller in this scenario.
2.6 Grievance Process. Certain Services made available on the Ulula Platform include the provision of a Workplace grievance mechanism that will allow Workers to file anonymous grievances through the platform. “Custom Grievances” are administered pursuant to specific and individualized Customer requests made during Implementation Work; Customer is the data controller in this scenario. “Standardized Grievances” include grievances made through the Platform’s general grievance mechanism ; Ulula is the data controller in this scenario.
2.7 Broadcast. Certain Services made available may include the dissemination of promotional or informational materials to Workers on behalf of the Customer (“Broadcast”). For certainty, Customer is solely responsible for the materials provided to Ulula for Broadcast, including without limitation the nature of the materials, the content of the materials, the accuracy of the materials, and otherwise.
2.8 Analytics. The Services may provide the Customer with access to certain performance metrics related to a selected Workplace (e.g. health and safety, wages, overtime, etc.) subject to the Software Service ordered and availability based on these Terms. Such Services Data will be made available on an aggregate basis. If the functionality of the Ulula Platform allows (as dictated by the type of Service purchased by the Customer), Customer may download such Services Data for use in relation to its own internal business purposes; in no case may Customer share such analytics with any third party unless expressly permitted on the document itself (e.g. a PDF report document labelled “For Circulation”). Access to analytics may be limited to certain Workplace(s) for a certain period of time. Unless expressly described in the relevant Order or Software Documentation, Customer will not have the ability to access analytics related to multiple Workplaces.
2.9 Service Level.
(a) Service Level. Ulula will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Software Services Available (as described below) to the Customer 99% of the time during Service Hours. “Service Hours” means 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days per year during the Term other than during any Maintenance Period or as otherwise provided for herein. “Maintenance Period” means: (i) such regular maintenance period as Ulula or the Hosting Provider may determine and communicate to the Customer from time to time; and (ii) when access to the servers on which the Software and/or data is hosted is suspended by the Hosting Provider for technical or emergency reasons or to maintain the network, the hardware or any other facilities, or when access to the servers on which the Software is hosted is suspended by the Hosting Provider. Ulula shall use reasonable efforts to provide advance notice in writing or by e-mail of any scheduled service disruption.
(b) Exceptions. Ulula shall not be responsible for a failure to meet the Availability target set forth in Subsection (a) to the extent that such failure is attributable to: any circumstance or events beyond the reasonable control of Ulula, including due to a Force Majeure Event; Customer’s acts, errors, omissions, or breaches of these Terms, including due to any problems or errors with any computer equipment or network that is the responsibility of the Customer; and any issues originating with, or failures of, computer equipment or networks that are not the responsibility of Ulula or within its direct control, including public telecommunications services and services provided by the Hosting Provider. Ulula does not guarantee or warrant continuous or uninterrupted availability of the Software Services. The Hosting Provider reserves the right to suspend its services, which may impact the access to the Software Services. Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for any failure to meet the Availability target set forth in Subsection (a) shall be the provision of service credits and any such failure shall not be a breach of these Terms. “Available” means that the Customer is able to access and use the Software Services uninterrupted, and availability is measured as follows: Service Hours (in minutes) during a calendar month during the Term, minus time (in minutes) during such month when the Software Services are not available to the Customer, divided by Service Hours (in minutes) during a calendar month during the Term, with the result expressed as a percentage. The measurement for availability described above excludes all Maintenance Periods. “Hosting Provider” means the third party hosting provider which makes available to Ulula servers and other technology on which to host the Software and Customer Data, Workplace Data, Services Data and Stakeholder Data and provide the Software Services and certain other hosting related services, which is currently AWS Services (“AWS”), and which may be changed by Ulula in its discretion at any time. The term Hosting Provider includes AWS and its contractors and subprocessors wherever they do business worldwide.
2.10 Usage Limits. Usage beyond any specified limitations is subject to extra charges and the Customer agrees to pay Ulula for any additional charges for usage in excess of such limitations. No other rights or licenses are granted by Ulula except as expressly set forth herein.
2.11 Software Service Support.
- a) Support Procedure. The reporting and resolution of all Problems by the Customer shall be subject to the following terms and procedures:
- i) Ulula shall maintain a help desk (“Help Desk”). The Help Desk shall be accessible by the Customer authorized User Account holders via Ulula’s designated support telephone number or email at
- ii) Support shall be available during Ulula business hours (Eastern Time), Monday to Friday, with the exclusion of Canadian holidays observed by Ulula (“Support Hours”).
(iii) Customer shall report all problems (meaning any program error, bug or other failure of all or part of the Software Service that results in the Software Service not performing in accordance with its standard parameters) (“Problems”) that are not resolved by Customer to the Help Desk and shall advise whether the Problem is a Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 Severity Problem (in accordance with the below definitions).
Problem Severity Level |
Definition |
Response Time |
Level 1- Low Impact |
General inquiries on the use of the Software |
Within 3 business days |
Level 2 – Medium Impact |
Issues that affect an isolated aspect of functionality that is not critically required |
Within 2 business days |
Level 3 – Urgent Impact |
Complete inability to use Software Services There is no alternative work-around |
Within 1 business day |
- iv) Ulula will use commercially reasonable efforts to respond to or resolve, as applicable, all reported Problems, within the following periods of time: In the event that the Software Service does not operate in accordance with this Agreement (including without limitation any Order From), or has any other operational defect, limitation, failure or deficiency, notwithstanding any other term of this Agreement, Customer’s sole and exclusive rights and remedies in respect of such shall be Ulula’s obligation to use commercially reasonable efforts to remedy the defect, limitation, failure or deficiency and Ulula shall not be liable to the Customer for damages of any kind or nature. Ulula does not guarantee that all Problems are or will be resolved or correctable (in each case whether within the targeted resolution time, or otherwise). A Problem shall be deemed reported at such time as the Problem is first received by the Help Desk. Response times and targeted times to resolve apply to notices of Problems received during Support Hours. Notices of Problems received outside of Support Hours shall be deemed to be received at the beginning of the next Support Hour day. Calculation of response times and targeted times to resolve Problems shall be made on a Support Hours basis and Problems not resolved during Support Hours will continue to be worked on at the commencement of the next Support Hours period. If Ulula is unable to resolve a reported Problem, the parties acting reasonably shall co-operate and work together to implement a plan for addressing any recurrence of the reported Problem.
2.12 Updates. We may update the content, functionality, and user interface of the Software Services from time to time in our discretion, permitting those changes do not materially decrease functionality described on the Order or Software Documentation as it was at the time the Order was executed.
2.13 Restrictions. Customer’s use of the Software Services is subject to the following restrictions and limitations. The Customer shall:
(a) not (except as otherwise expressly provided herein) provide, disclose, sublicense or otherwise permit any person to access, use, read, disseminate, transmit, download or reproduce the Software Service or Software Documentation;
(b) not adapt, translate, change, customize, enhance, augment, partially delete or alter, or otherwise modify the Software in any manner or to any extent whatsoever, whether in whole or in part;
(c) not, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise in any manner deconstruct all or any part of the Software;
(d) not use the Software to act as a “service bureau” or in a time-sharing, application service provider or other similar model to provide the benefit of the use of the Software to any person except as expressly permitted herein;
(e) use a Software Service to store or transmit infringing, libelous, or otherwise unlawful or tortious material, or to store or transmit material in violation of third-party rights,
(f) use a Software Service to store or transmit malicious code;
(g) not copy the Software or evade any technical measures provided for protection of intellectual property rights;
(h) not disclose the results of any software benchmark test or make public comments concerning the Software Service without Ulula’s prior written consent;
(i) not have any right to access or obtain a copy of the object code or source code to the Software;
(j) not interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of any Software Service or third-party data contained therein,
(k) not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any Software Service or its related systems or networks,
(l) not permit direct or indirect access to or use of any Software Service in a way that circumvents a contractual usage limit,
(m) not frame or mirror any part of any Software Service,
(n) not access any Software Service in order to build a competitive product or service;
(o) use Software Services only in accordance with applicable documentation (e.g. Software Documentation), these Terms, and applicable laws and government regulations;
(p) copy, transmit, distribute, publish or otherwise make available materials featured in the Software Services by Ulula unless expressly granted the right to do so by Ulula herein (e.g. Customer cannot copy survey instruments or grievance protocols and use them for purposes outside of the Software Services),
(q) notify Ulula promptly of any unauthorized access or use of the Software and Software Services, and
(r) copy, modify, add, delete, hitch operation with or create any derivative from, any data released by the Software or during the operation of the Software to any terminal memories, any interactive data between the client side and server side in the process of operation, and necessary system data required by the operation of the Software, including but not limited to, the use of plugins, add-ons or third-party tools/service access software and relevant systems without legal authorization from Ulula.
2.14 Customer Responsibilities. The Customer is responsible to:
(a) reasonably assist, cooperate and facilitate the provision of any Software Services, including the prompt provision of information and assistance that Ulula may reasonably request that is required by Ulula in order to perform its obligations under these Terms.;
(b) assign personnel as User Account holders who possess appropriate skills and knowledge;
(c) obtain and maintain any equipment and ancillary services needed to connect to, access or otherwise use the Software Services, including, without limitation, modems, hardware, servers, software, operating systems, networking, web servers and the like (“Equipment”), and
(d) adhere to the Ulula Community Standards.
The Customer shall also be responsible for maintaining the security of the Equipment, Customer accounts, passwords (including but not limited to administrative and user passwords) and files, and for all uses of the Customer account or the Equipment with or without Customer’s knowledge or consent. Notwithstanding any other provision in these Terms, in the event (and to the extent) that any failure(s) of the Customer to perform any of its obligations under these Terms or any other Customer act or omission affects, limits or prevents Ulula’s ability to perform any services or obligations (including without limitation the Software Services), in whole or in part, or results in or contributes to Ulula’s inability to perform any such services or obligations, in whole or in part, then Ulula shall be relieved of its obligations to perform the services or obligations hereunder, and shall suffer no prejudice or liability for failing to so perform.
2.15 Hosted Environment. The Software and any Customer Data, Workplace Data, Services Data, and Stakeholder Data is hosted on servers located at the Hosting Provider’s facilities. Customer’s use of the Software Services is subject to, and the Customer agrees to comply with any policies and terms of the Hosting Provider that are applicable to the Customer and of which Ulula provides Customer with notice. The Customer acknowledges that the Hosting Provider may, without prior notice, monitor Customer’s conduct and communications when using the Software Services in order to verify compliance with applicable laws and the Hosting Provider’s policies. The Customer acknowledges that the Hosting Provider may cooperate with legal authorities in investigating claims of illegal activity involving the Software Services, Ulula or the Customer.
2.16 Translation Services. If the Software Services include any language translation services (“Translation”), without limiting any other term herein, (a) the Customer acknowledges and agrees that such Translation may include errors, defects, and inaccuracies, (b) Translation may be provided through use of a third party plugin, (c) Ulula recommends oversight by an individual with knowledge of both languages at issue, and (d) Ulula shall not be liable for any losses or damage related to Customer’s use of Translation.
3. Professional Services
3.1 Ulula Responsibilities. Ulula will provide the Professional Services in exchange for the Fee. Ulula shall commence the provision of the Professional Services pursuant to the dates specified in each Order and shall (subject to the following and Customer’s compliance with these Terms.) complete the Professional Services within the Term. Ulula will perform the Implementation Work remotely from Ulula offices.
3.2 Project Schedule. Ulula agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to complete the Professional Services in accordance with any schedule described in the Order (“Project Schedule”). The Customer agrees that the Project Schedule shall be adjusted to proportionately and reasonably reflect:
(a) mutually agreed upon delays confirmed in writing by each party;
(b) delays to the extent attributable to Customer’s failure to: (i) respond to or answer any reasonable questions and inquiries of Ulula or (ii) provide Ulula with such information or data that is reasonably requested by Ulula and/or necessary for the performance of the Professional Services; and
(c) delays to the extent attributable to a request by the Customer for changes to the Professional Services, and consideration and potential implementation by Ulula, of any such requested change(s).
All delivery and completion dates are targets and Ulula shall not be liable for any failure to meet any such dates for any reason.
3.3 Account Managers. As it relates to the Professional Services, an Ulula account manager will collaborate with, and take direction from, the Customer Project Manager (as identified in the Order).
3.4 Customer Responsibilities. The Customer is responsible to:
(a) reasonably assist, cooperate and facilitate the provision of any Professional Services, including the prompt provision of information and assistance that Ulula may reasonably request that is required by Ulula in order to perform its obligations under these Terms.;
(b) ensure the Customer Account Manager engages in collaborative and consistent communications with the Ulula Account Manager,
(c) provide Ulula access with relevant stakeholders that will participate in working sessions, workshops and provide information as necessary to permit the Professional Services to be provided and
(d) provide any Customer Materials necessary for the provision of the Professional Services. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Terms., in the event (and to the extent) that any failure(s) of the Customer to perform any of its obligations under these Terms or any other Customer act or omission affects, limits or prevents Ulula’s ability to perform any services or obligations (including without limitation the Professional Services), in whole or in part, or results in or contributes to Ulula’s inability to perform any such services or obligations, in whole or in part, then Ulula shall be relieved of its obligations to perform the services or obligations hereunder, and shall suffer no prejudice or liability for failing to so perform.
3.5 Expenses. On the condition that Ulula obtains the prior approval of the Customer prior to incurring any expenses related to provision of the Professional Services (e.g. travel, meals, accommodation) Ulula shall be reimbursed for its payment of such expenses on a monthly basis.
3.6 Added Professional Services. If:
(a) in the course of performing the Implementation Work, the parties identify changes required to meet Customer’s specific requirements that are not included in the Implementation Work;
(b) the Customer requests changes be made to the Software Services to suit Customer’s particular requirements or after initial implementation requests additional work be completed, or
(c) If the Customer requests professional services that are not described in an executed Order, Ulula may require the Customer to provide a Change Request (defined below) related to the additional professional services.
3.7 Change Order. Any request for a change to an Order may only be initiated by the Customer’s Project Manager or by Ulula’s Project Manager. Where such a change request is initiated by the Customer, the Customer will submit a written request to Ulula describing the specific changes to the Order that are being requested and the reason for the change request (“Change Request”). Ulula will, promptly upon receipt of such a written change request from the Customer, or in the event of its own initiation of a proposed change, prepare and deliver to the Customer a change order (“Change Order”), describing the change requested and the impacts of the change on the project schedule and costs. Upon receipt of the Change Order, the Customer will review the Change Order and the parties will, acting reasonably, discuss whether to proceed or not proceed with the changes in accordance with the Change Order, or to amend the Change Order. If the parties agree to the changes set out in a Change Order, the Change Order will be executed by authorized signatories of both parties, and the relevant Order will thereafter be deemed amended to reflect the changes set out in such an executed Change Order.
3.8 Assumptions. The Fees are based on the assumptions below. If any of these assumptions are not met, Ulula reserves the right to:
(a) increase the Fees to reflect the additional services rendered as a result of a failure to meet the identified assumptions; provided that Ulula will advise the Customer in writing of any failure to meet assumptions and will use commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate delays and additional costs or fees;
(b) adjust the Professional Services, is / as applicable, to reflect the impact of a failure to meet the identified assumptions. Ulula’s assumptions are as follows: The Customer will complete all Customer responsibilities in accordance with the timelines and dates set out in the Order or as otherwise reasonably prescribed by Ulula; and the Customer representative(s) liaising with Ulula is an experienced project manager capable of managing Customer’s roles and activities for the Order.
4. Data; Confidentiality; Proprietary Rights
4.1 Data Use, Confidentiality, and License.
(a) The Customer hereby grants to Ulula and its Affiliates a non-exclusive and fully paid-up license to access, process, store, and use the Customer Data, Services Data, Workplace Data, Stakeholder Data, and Customer Materials to the extent required in order to perform its obligations under these Terms and as otherwise permitted herein. Customer Data will be used and correlated with Workplace Data and Stakeholder Data through the use of the Software Services and performance of Professional Services. The Customer agrees that Ulula may make available Customer Data, Stakeholder Data, Workplace Data, and Customer Materials to the Hosting Provider, to the extent reasonably required to perform Ulula’s obligations hereunder, and that the Hosting Provider will also store and process Services Data and Anonymized Data. Data may be transferred across country borders and stored or processed in jurisdictions other than the Customer’s local jurisdiction. The Customer agrees that Ulula and its Affiliates have a right to use Customer Data, Stakeholder Data, Workplace Data, Customer Materials and Services Data to the extent required to perform or enhance services provided by Ulula and/or its Affiliates in compliance with the applicable laws and the confidentiality obligations.
(b) Subject to the licenses granted herein, Ulula acknowledges and agrees that all right, title and interest whatsoever, in and to the Customer Data and Services Data (excluding any Stakeholder Data therein) and Customer Materials, including all intellectual property and other proprietary rights therein is, and shall be, owned solely and exclusively by the Customer. The Customer shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, and appropriateness of all Customer Data.
(c) When Ulula collects information in relation to Custom Surveys or through a Custom Grievance Process, Customer is the Data Controller and Ulula acts as a Data Processor under Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
Where Services related to Custom Surveys and Custom Grievance Processes are provided,
(i) the Customer, as Data Controller, is responsible for complying with all applicable laws and is solely responsible to obtain, and represents and warrants to Ulula that is has or shall obtain all necessary consents (including all consents that are required under applicable privacy and data protection laws) to provide Customer Data, Stakeholder Data, Workplace Data, and Customer Materials to Ulula for storage, processing, disclosure (as permitted herein), disposal, hosting, and any other use required to deliver on Ulula’s obligations described herein in accordance with these Terms and
(ii) as a Data Processor of Customer Data, Workplace Data, and Stakeholder Data, Ulula will store and process Customer Data, Workplace Data, and Stakeholder Data in a manner consistent with the Ulula Data Processing Agreement and Ulula privacy policy available at (“Privacy Policy”). Except as expressly provided herein, Ulula does not have any responsibility hereunder to ensure that Customer’s policies or practices related to the processing of Customer Data, Workplace Data, and Stakeholder Data are adequate or comply with any applicable law applicable to such persons. Upon Customer’s written direction, Ulula will return or destroy Customer Data, Workplace Data, and/or Stakeholder Data that is personal Information (but may retain the aggregated data it has the right to use under Section 4.3).
The Customer acknowledges that in using the Software Services the Customer Data, Workplace Data, and Stakeholder Data will be transmitted via public telecommunications networks, including the Internet and may be transmitted across provincial, state, or international territorial borders. Ulula does not guarantee the integrity of, or inadvertent disclosure of, or corruption or loss of Customer Data, Workplace Data, or Stakeholder Data transmitted via telecommunications networks, including the Internet, or other systems that are not Ulula’s own systems. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, Ulula shall have no liability or responsibility to the Customer, a User or any other third party, on account of making or facilitating the availability of, through the operation of the Software Services, any Customer Data, Workplace Data, or Stakeholder Data as and to the extent contemplated hereunder.
4.2 Searchable Workplace Results. As the functionality of the Ulula Platform permits through opt-in mechanisms (controlled by the Workplace) or otherwise as expressly permitted by the terms of an Order, Software Documentation, or agreement with a sponsoring Customer, Workplace Data will be made available to third parties on the Ulula Platform along with the name of the Workplace. If the Customer is not the owner of the Workplace, it is the obligation of the Customer to ensure the owner of the Workplace consents to such availability; Customer will be solely responsible if such consent is not obtained. For certainty, Workplaces will always have discretion over the sharing of Workplace Data related to their Workplace; consent may be made directly with a sponsoring Customer or via the Ulula Platform when a user unrelated to the Workplace makes a request through the Ulula Platform’s functionality to view the Workplace Data.
4.3 Anonymized Data Use. The Customer understands and agrees that Ulula and its Affiliates may create the Anonymized Data by de-identifying, aggregating, and anonymizing any data generated or derived by Ulula in the performance of these Terms. For certainty, Anonymized Data cannot, and will not, allow for the identification of the Customer, End Users, or Stakeholders. The Customer further understands and agrees that the Software Service and Professional Services are offered on the terms provided by Ulula herein because (among other things) Ulula’s ability to generate and use Anonymized Data is core to Ulula’s offering thereof; without the ability to generate and use Anonymized Data as permitted herein, Ulula would not be able to offer the same services and the same prices as those provided by Ulula herein. Without limitation, an example of Ulula’s use of Anonymized Data would allow for certain Software Service subscribers to benchmark the performance results of their sites to other subscriber sites located in similar geographic zones or related to similar industry types, such benchmarking would not identify the third party subscriber or the third party site unless the relevant third party expressly agreed to such disclosure in its sole discretion). As such, and subject to the foregoing, the Customer agrees that Ulula and its Affiliates shall have the right to:
(a) use any Anonymized Data for their internal business purposes to improve and enhance the Services and for other development, diagnostic, or corrective purposes in connection with the Services and for other purposes Ulula and its Affiliates may select in its sole discretion; and
(b) use, license, sell, disclose and otherwise commercially exploit the Anonymized Data for any purpose Ulula and its Affiliates may select in its sole discretion.
4.4 Stakeholder Engagement. The Customer agrees that
(i) as it relates to engagement of any Stakeholders in Surveys, Grievance Processes, or any other part of the Service, Ulula will make good faith efforts to enable Stakeholders to participate but cannot guarantee full participation as any such participation is wholly voluntary;
(ii) Ulula will not disclose the results of any Survey, Grievance Process, or other process in which it collects information from Stakeholders if such disclosure would not be permitted by applicable laws (e.g. disclosure of a small sample could reasonably allow for the identification of a certain individual Stakeholder); and
(iii) Ulula may, when contacting a Stakeholder for the purposes of these Terms, provide an option for the Stakeholder to voluntarily agree to receive further communications from Ulula that are unrelated to the operation of these Terms (“Secondary Stakeholder Communications”). Ulula will treat any information collected from Stakeholders consistently with its Privacy Policy. Should Ulula receive any information from the Stakeholder pursuant to Secondary Stakeholder Communication, such information will never be linked to the Customer, Customer Data or Customer Materials. By completing the SMS/Text Messaging Opt-In in any of the offered ways (IVR, SMS, WhatsApp, Web form, email, signed form), the Stakeholder expressly consents to receive messages from Ulula Canada, including text messages created with the Customer, at the mobile phone number(s) you provide. The Stakeholder may withdraw consent to receiving these communications at any time by replying STOP to any text message from Ulula or by otherwise contacting Ulula at The Stakeholder can receive help at any time by contacting Ulula at Messaging and data rates may apply. By completing the SMS text Messaging Opt-In Form, the Stakeholder also accepts and agrees to be bound by these SMS Text Messaging terms and conditions and any other applicable terms and agreements related to your use of Ulula services.
4.5 Confidentiality.
“Confidential Information” means any information, data and materials (regardless of form) disclosed, made available, or otherwise provided by or on behalf of one party (“Disclosing Party)” to the other party (“Receiving Party”) hereunder that:
(a) is marked as confidential or proprietary or in a similar fashion at the time of disclosure, or if disclosed orally, is stated to be confidential at the time of disclosure, or
(b) that the Receiving Party could reasonably conclude to be confidential to the Disclosing Party. Without limitation, Ulula Confidential Information includes the Software (including information regarding features, functionality, and performance of the Software and the Software Service and all other non-public technical and product information including without limitation Survey questions), Software Documentation, and all pricing information. Without limitation, Customer Confidential Information includes any Customer Data, Stakeholder Data, Workplace Data, Services Data (excluding Anonymized Data), and Customer Materials.
4.6 Confidential Information Use / Protection. Each party agrees:
(a) not to use any Confidential Information of the other party for any purpose except in the performance of its obligations under these Terms or as otherwise expressly permitted hereunder or by the other party in writing;
(b) to disclose such Confidential Information of the other party only to its Affiliates , officers, directors, employees and third party subcontractors, advisors, or accountants who have a need to know such Confidential Information for purposes of these Terms and who are under a duty of confidentiality;
(c) to use reasonable efforts to protect such Confidential Information from unauthorized use, access, theft or disclosure in the same manner that it protects its own similar Confidential Information, but in no event with less care than reasonable care in accordance with Section 4.7.
4.7 Security. Ulula and its Affiliates will maintain administrative, physical, and technical safeguards for protection of the security, confidentiality and integrity of Customer Data, Workplace Data and Stakeholder Data. Those safeguards will include measures for preventing unauthorized access, use, modification or disclosure of Customer Data, Workplace Data, and Stakeholder Data except
(a) to provide the Software Services and prevent or address service or technical problems,
(b) as compelled by law in accordance with Section 4.8 below, or
(c) as the Customer expressly permits in writing. The Customer is solely responsible for implementing safeguards to protect the security of its own systems and data when accessing and using the Software Services, including to take precautions against malicious code and viruses and other contaminants.
4.8 Permitted Disclosure. The foregoing restrictions on disclosure shall not apply with respect to any information which:
(a) was or becomes generally known or publicly available through no act or failure to act on the part of the Receiving Party;
(b) is known by the Receiving Party without restrictions on disclosure at the time of receiving such information as evidenced by its records;
(c) is rightfully furnished to the Receiving Party without restrictions on disclosure by a third party without a breach of such third party’s obligations of confidentiality;
(d) is otherwise necessary to establish rights or enforce obligations under these Terms but only to the extent that any such disclosure is necessary; or
(e) is required by law to be disclosed by the Receiving Party, provided that the Receiving Party: (i) gives the Disclosing Party prompt written notice of such requirement prior to such disclosure, (ii) provides assistance in obtaining an order protecting Confidential Information from disclosure, and (iii) discloses information only to the extent required by law and take reasonable steps to remove from the Confidential Information that is required to be disclosed, any information that a reasonable person would conclude is commercially sensitive to the other party.
4.9 Feedback. Submission of feedback, ideas, comments, and suggestions by the Customer to Ulula concerning the Software and Software Services (“Contributions”) is voluntary. Contributions are subject to the following terms:
(a) Contributions become the property of Ulula, and by submitting Contributions, the Customer hereby assigns to Ulula all Customer rights in and to them and waive all moral rights that the Customer and its representatives have;
(b) Ulula is free to disclose and use (or refuse to disclose or use) any Contributions at its sole discretion; and
(c) the Customer is not entitled to any compensation or reimbursement of any kind under any circumstances in relation to its provision of the Contributions.
4.10 Ulula Property. Ulula solely and exclusively owns and retains all right, title and interest in and to:
(a) the Software Services and Software;
(b) all improvements, enhancements or modifications to the items in (a) whether developed by Ulula or its Affiliates; (b) any work product, deliverables (including software, applications, inventions, survey questions, protocols, or other technology) developed in connection with Implementation Work and other Professional Services,
(c) Anonymized Data; and
(d) any and all intellectual property and other proprietary rights in and to any of the foregoing.
5. Payment of Fees
5.1 Fees. The Customer will pay Ulula the fees described in the Order (“Fees”), in accordance with the payment requirements described in the Agreement. When Fees are paid via the Payment Processor, Service availability, and the beginning of the Term, commences upon completion of Payment (not registration of a User Account or any other use of the Services). When Fees are paid directly to Ulula (e.g. wire transfer, bank transfer, cheque, etc.), the Term and Service availability will commence as described in the Order.
5.2 Payment. Customer will pay the Fee in accordance with the directions of the Order. When required to pay via the Payment Processor (defined below), Customer will provide the Payment Processor with valid and updated credit card information and authorize the Payment Processor to charge such credit card for all Services listed in the Order for the initial subscription term and any renewal subscription term(s) as set forth herein. Such charges shall be made in advance, either annually or in accordance with any different billing frequency stated on the applicable Order. Customer is responsible for providing complete and accurate billing and contact information to Ulula and notifying Ulula of any changes to such information.
5.3 Payment Processor. Ulula will select a payment processor to receive and process any payments made by Customer (“Payment Processor”) for Service. Ulula will not have access to the Customer’s payment information. Ulula may change its Payment Processor at any time and will update these Terms accordingly if such changes occurs; presently the Payment Processor is Stripe. By agreeing to these Terms, you agree to Stripe’s collection and use of your payment information in accordance with their terms and conditions which becomes a legal agreement between Stripe and the Customer (“Processor Terms”). In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and the Processor Terms, these Terms shall prevail, except in the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and the Processor Terms concerning payment processing, in which case the Processor Terms shall prevail.
5.4 No Refunds. Except as expressly provided for herein, all payments made pursuant to these Terms are non-refundable. Without limiting the foregoing, this applies in situations where a Workplace License is paid for, but cannot be used by the Workplace Licensee because of non-action taken by the third party that controls the subject Workplace or non-action taken by Stakeholders related to the subject Workplace. This applies to, without limitation, Workplace Licenses and Analytics Licenses.
5.5 Taxes. The Fees are exclusive of all taxes imposed by applicable law in connection with such fees, including, sales tax, goods and services tax, use, withholding or excise tax and all other like or similar taxes applicable to the provision of services, and the Customer shall pay or reimburse Ulula for all such applicable taxes (exclusive of taxes based on Ulula’s income).
5.6 Additional Payment Terms. If the Customer fails to pay any amounts, Ulula shall be entitled to suspend, without liability, the provision of any services provided hereunder or in connection herewith until such time as the Customer has paid all outstanding amounts in full.. All amounts referenced herein are expressed in United States dollars unless otherwise provided. In case payment is not received or the payment is received but later canceled by the Customer for any reason whatsoever, Ulula has the right, but not the obligation, to cancel the contract for lack of consideration received, or to refer the unpaid amount for collection. Ulula may transfer the rights in and to any receivables to a third-party in its sole discretion without any obligation to provide Customer notice.
5.7 Interest. Ulula may charge interest on any fees that are overdue for a period of thirty (30) days or more; such interest shall be the lower of 20% (calculated on an annual basis) or the highest possible rate permitted by applicable laws.
6. Term and Termination
6.1 Term. Subject to earlier termination as provided below, the Agreement shall last from the time of purchase until the expiry of the Customer’s subscription as described on the Order (Initial “Term”). The term shall be automatically renewed for additional periods of the same duration as the Initial Term (such renewals along with the Initial Term are included in the definition of the “Term” provided herein). Either party can avoid such automatic renewal by delivering to the other party a notice of non-renewal no later than thirty (30) days prior to the end of the then-current Term; such notice may be provided by Customer by opting-out of renewal on the Platform’s billing page accessible to the Customer.
6.2 Termination For Cause. A party may terminate the Agreement if:
(a) the other party has breached any material provision of the Agreement, including any failure to pay any Fees when due, and such breach continues unremedied for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice thereof; or
(b) the other party becomes the subject of bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, receivership or other similar proceedings. Upon such termination, the Customer shall pay all unpaid Fees and other amounts due through the effective date of termination and Ulula will make all Stakeholder Data, Workplace Data, and Customer Data available to Customer for electronic retrieval for a period of thirty (30) days.
6.3 Cancellation. Should the Customer wish to terminate the Agreement for reasons unrelated to those described in 6.2, it may only do so after paying out to Ulula, in full, all Fees owed to Ulula over the course of the Term. Termination will be effective on the day following Ulula’s receipt of such full payment. Thereafter, Ulula will make all Workplace Data, and Customer Data available to Customer for electronic retrieval for a period of thirty (30) days. For the avoidance of doubt, Ulula will not provide access to Stakeholder Data to avoid any identification of individual participants. For clarity, Ulula will otherwise have no obligation to deliver Software Services or Professional Services after the effective date of termination, notwithstanding that it will be paid in full for the same.
7. Intellectual Property
7.1 Grant of Rights. If the certain Software Services or Professional Services purchased by the Customer include functionality that allows for Customer to integrate branding (e.g. tradename, trademark, logo, etc.) (“Branding”) into the Software Service, Professional Services, or any result therefrom (e.g. posters etc.), by nature of purchasing such a Software Service or Professional Services and making available the Branding on the Ulula Platform by its upload or by providing the Branding directly to Ulula through other means, the Customer hereby:
(a) grants a worldwide, limited-term license to Ulula use, reproduce, display, publish, transmit, distribute, or otherwise make available the Branding for the limited purpose of offering the certain Software Services or Professional Services purchased by the Customer and providing the results thereof (e.g. posters), and
(b) represents and warrants that it has the full right and authority and all necessary consents to have the Branding integrated into certain Software Services, Professional Services, and results therefrom.
8. Warranty and Disclaimer
8.1 Customer Warranties. The Customer represents and warrants to Ulula that:
(a) it is the owner or lawful custodian of the Customer Data, Workplace Data, and Customer Materials and has the full right and authority and all necessary consents to provide Ulula with the Customer Data, Workplace Data, Stakeholder Data, and Customer Materials for the purposes of these Terms; and
(b) the provision of the Customer Data, Workplace Data, Stakeholder Data, and Customer Materials to Ulula for the purposes of the Agreement is in compliance with all applicable laws.
8.2 Ulula Warranties. Ulula represents and warrants to the Customer that the Software Services materially conform with the specifications described in the Software Documentation and Order. For any breach of a warranty above, Customer’s exclusive remedies are those described in the “Term and Termination” section.
9. Liability
9.3 Limitations Apply. The limitations and exclusions of liability set out herein shall apply regardless of the form of action or theory of liability, including for breach of contract, tort, negligence, by statute and regardless of the form or cause of action, even if such damages are foreseeable or Ulula (or a member of the Ulula Parties) has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The Customer agrees that the limitations and exclusions contained in the Agreement are reasonable based upon the commercial circumstances, and that Ulula would not have entered into the agreement but for Customer’s agreement to such limitations and exclusions.
9.4 Ulula Indemnity. Ulula agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and, upon the Customer’s request, defend Customer from and against all third party claims, actions and demands, and all resulting liabilities, damages and losses of any type, expenses (including reasonable legal fees), settlements, or judgments suffered or incurred by such parties and that result from or arise out of Ulula’s breach of its representations and warranties. The foregoing indemnity shall survive any termination or expiration of the Agreement.
9.5 Customer Indemnity. The Customer agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and, upon Ulula’s request, defend Ulula and Ulula’s Affiliates from and against all third party claims, actions and demands, and all resulting liabilities, damages and losses of any type, expenses (including reasonable legal fees), settlements, or judgments suffered or incurred by such parties and that result from or arise out of:
(a) Ulula’s authorized access to and use of any Customer Data, Workplace Data, and Stakeholder Data (including Customer’s failure to comply with all applicable laws, including any applicable data protection laws), and Customer Materials in the performance of its obligations or otherwise contemplated hereunder;
(b) Customer’s breach of the Agreement, and
(c) Customer’s unauthorized use of the Software and Software Services. The foregoing indemnity shall survive any termination or expiration of the Agreement.
10. Third Party Consents & Actions
10.1 Workplace, Stakeholder and other third party consents. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that its access to, and use of, certain Software Service or Professional Service offerings is contingent on
(a) Customer securing and evidencing proper consents from certain third parties (e.g. consent from the Workplace to gather Workplace Data, consent from Stakeholders to gather Stakeholder Data, etc.) and/or
(b) certain Customer-designated third parties taking required actions (e.g. Stakeholders participating in a survey). To the extent Customer does not (or cannot) secure such third party consents or have such third party actions completed and, as a result, Ulula cannot deliver Professional Services or Software Services or can only deliver such services after a significant delay, the Customer agrees that (i) Ulula is not responsible for such non-delivery or delay, (ii) Ulula has no obligation to refund or credit the Customer for any Fees owed or paid by Customer in relation to related non-delivered or delayed services, and (iii) Ulula will be paid any “costs it incurs in relation to Customer’s default of the foregoing third party consent obligation.
11. App Terms
The following terms apply if you, the Customer (or the End User), access the Software Services via the digital application (“App”) supporting the Software Services on the iOS platform, Android Platform, or any other platform that offers the App for download in a manner authorized by Ulula. Together, Apple Inc. (“Apple”) and Google LLC (“Google”), are referred to herein as the “App Store Providers”.
11.1 This Agreement is between the Customer and Ulula only, and not with the App Store Providers. Ulula is solely responsible for the App.
11.2 The license granted for the App is a non-transferable license to use the App on any iOS or Android Products that you own or control and as permitted by the App Store Providers’ App Store Terms of Service.
11.3 Ulula (not the App Store Providers) is responsible to provide, maintain, and support the App. Support requests, as well as questions or complaints regarding the App, may be directed to Ulula as described in the “Software Service Support” section.
11.4 The following terms apply only to Apps available on the iOS platform:
- a) If the App fails to comply with the warranty in the Agreement, the Customer may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the price to paid to access the App (if any). To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the App, and will not be liable for any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty.
- b) Apple is not responsible for addressing any claims by you or any third party relating to the App or the Customer’s possession and/or use of the App, including but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the App fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection, privacy, or similar legislation.
- c) Apple is not responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement or discharge of any claim that the App, or your or the Customer’s possession and use of the App, infringes a third party’s intellectual property rights.
- d) You represent and warrant that (i) the App will not be downloaded or used in, or transported to, a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist-supporting” country, and (ii) neither you nor any End User is listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.
- e) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, Apple and its subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of these Terms, and have the right (and shall be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce these Terms against you.
- f) To the extent that any third-party terms are applicable when using the App, each End User must comply with such terms when using the App.
11.5 Ulula’s address is 95 Wellington Street West, Suite 2000 Toronto, ON M5H1J8 .
11.6 For those accessing the App in the People’s Republic of China, the following terms apply:
a) Ulula has authorized ZHENCHUANG CO., LTD as its agent to release and operate the App in the Chinese Mainland.
b) Prior to End User access to the Software, such an End User must have the capacity for civil conduct appropriate to your behaviors as required by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China. If the proposed End User does not have the above-described capacity, then they shall obtain the informed consent from their guardian, and the End User and their guardian shall assume the corresponding liabilities that may arise therefrom in accordance with the law.
c) If Customer/End User acquires the App from channels other than App stores authorized by Ulula or acquire an unauthorized installation program with the same name of the App, we can’t guarantee that the App or such similar installation program can be used correctly, and we explicitly disclaim any liability for any loss incurred to you as a result thereof.
12. General Terms
12.1 Ulula may invite the Customer to use Beta Services and the Customer may accept or decline the invitation in its sole discretion. Beta Services are for evaluation and testing purposes and may be subject to additional terms. Ulula may discontinue Beta Services at any time in its sole discretion and may never make them generally available. Ulula will have no liability for any harm or damage arising out of or in connection with Beta Services. “Beta Services” means a version of the Software Service that Ulula has not made generally available to customers that is designated as beta, pilot, trial, limited release, pre-release, non-production, evaluation, or similar designation.
12.2 Ulula may release Improvements and other features and functionality in its discretion. Some features and functionality may be available only with certain versions or editions of the Software Service, subject to additional fees, or subject to additional terms and conditions. Client acknowledges that purchases under the Agreement are not contingent on the delivery of future features or functionality. “Improvements” means new features, functionality, enhancements, upgrades, error corrections and bug fixes to the Software Service.
12.3 Dispute Resolution. The parties agree to use the below process if a dispute occurs between the parties under, or in relation to, the Agreement so that one party is considering legal action against the other party (“Dispute”): the Dispute will be referred to and determined by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the ADR Institute of Canada, Inc. (the “ADRIC Rules”). Either party may commence the arbitration. The site of the arbitration will be the same as that identified in section 12.12. The language of the arbitration will be English, and the arbitral tribunal will be comprised of one arbitrator. If the parties do not agree on the identity of the arbitrator within 10 business days of the referral to arbitration, then the arbitral tribunal will be appointed by the ADR Institute of Canada, Inc. or pursuant to the procedures set out in the ADRIC Rules. The arbitrator will be conducted on an expedited basis and will render its final award and the reasons for the award within 45 days of the conclusion of the hearing, unless such time is reduced or extended by the tribunal after giving the parties an opportunity to be heard. Any award or judgment on an award and any award for interim relief may be entered in any court having jurisdiction and will be final and binding on the parties and will not be subject to appeal. No party is prohibited from seeking interim, interlocutory, or expedited remedies (including the use of arbitration rules providing for emergency measures of protection), in any forum having jurisdiction, including remedies to preserve or protect trademarks, Confidential Information, copyrights, or trade secrets or for extraordinary relief such as an injunction or eviction. In addition to any other restriction on the tribunal in the Agreement, in no event will the arbitral tribunal award, or have any jurisdiction to award, punitive or exemplary damages against any party. No arbitration award will have an effect of preclusion or collateral estoppel in any other adjudication or arbitration.
12.4 If any provision of the Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or invalid in any respect, then the remaining provisions of the Agreement, or the application of such provisions to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby, and each such provision of the Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the extent granted by law.
12.5 All waivers must be in writing and signed by the party waiving its rights.
12.6 The Agreement shall be binding upon and shall enure to the benefit of and be enforceable by each of the parties, their respective successors and permitted assigns. The Customer may not assign or transfer all or any part of the Agreement except (a) with Ulula’s prior written consent or (b) upon sale of its business or assets, to the party making such a purchase, on the condition that such a party is not a direct competitor of Ulula. Ulula may transfer and assign any of its rights and obligations under the Agreement without consent at any time.
12.7 The Agreement is the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties pertaining to all the matters herein and supersedes and cancels all previous written and oral agreements, proposals, communications and other understandings between the parties, whether oral or written and may only be amended or modified by written agreement executed by the authorized representatives of the parties. No additional term or condition included in any Customer purchase order or other document that has not previously been agreed to in writing by Ulula shall bind Ulula.
12.8 Unless otherwise expressly indicated herein, Nothing in the Agreement will be deemed to create any third party beneficiary rights in any person or entity not a party to the Agreement.
12.9 It is expressly understood and agreed that each party shall be acting as an independent contractor in performing its obligations hereunder and shall not be considered or deemed to be an agent, employee, joint venturer or partner of the other party. The Customer does not have any authority of any kind to bind Ulula in any respect whatsoever.
12.10 In any action or proceeding to enforce rights under the Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover costs and attorneys’ fees.
12.11 Unless otherwise expressed herein (e.g. avoiding auto-renewal), all notices requests, claims, demands and other communications required or permitted under the Agreement will be in writing and will be deemed to have been duly given when received, if personally delivered; when receipt is electronically confirmed (and no notice of unsuccessful delivery is received), if transmitted by e-mail; the day after it is sent, if sent for next day delivery by recognized overnight delivery service; and upon receipt, if sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. Notices shall be sent to the respective parties at the addresses for each first written above, as may be changed by either party in accordance with the terms of this Section.
12.12 The Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. The parties irrevocably attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Province of Ontario in respect of all matters and disputes arising hereunder. If the Customer is located in a jurisdiction other than Canada, the parties agree that neither the United Nations Convention of the International Sale of Goods or the (U.S.) Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act shall apply to the Agreement.
12.13 The Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, including by PDF or equivalent transmission, each of which when executed shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same Agreement.
12.14 It is the express wish of the parties that the Agreement be drawn up in English. The parties waive any right to require the Agreement be concluded in any other language.
12.15 Each party agrees to fully comply with all laws applicable to their respective obligations pursuant to the Agreement.
12.16 Ulula shall be permitted to disclose, without consent, in its marketing, promotional or other similar materials and on its website and orally, the fact that the Customer is a customer of Ulula and the general nature of the relationship between the parties. Ulula may also use the logo of Customer for this limited purpose.
12.17 Words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa and words denoting any gender include all genders.
12.18 All usage of the word “including” or “include” or the phrase “e.g.,” in the Agreement shall mean “including, without limitation.
12.19 The division of the Agreement into separate Articles, Sections, Subsections, and the insertion of headings is for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of the Agreement.
12.20 Neither party shall be liable for delays in or for failures to perform hereunder (excluding payment obligations) due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including acts of God, acts or omissions of the other party or a third party, third party product or service failures (including failures of the Hosting Provider), Internet or telecommunications outages, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, strikes, power, surges or outages, epidemics, flood, earthquakes, riot, or war (“Force Majeure Event”). Each party shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide the other party with notice of any such events.
12.21 The terms and conditions hereof are the result of negotiations between the parties and the parties agree that the Agreement shall not be construed in favour of or against any party by reason of the extent to which any party or its professional advisors participated in the preparation of the Agreement.
12.22 Any provision of these Terms which, by its nature, should survive termination of the Agreement shall so survive including without limitation: sections 4, 5.5, 8, 9, 11, and 12.