Ulula joins EcoVadis to maximize reach and positive impact for clients.

Transparent and Resilient Supply Chains

Reducing risks and creating value through real time worker and community insight
SMS exchange between worker and management
Join our clients in the movement for more responsible supply chains

Digitize Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD)

Leverage Ulula’s anonymous, digital and inclusive feedback and engagement systems to identify, prevent and manage human rights impacts across your supply chain.

Digital Worker and Community Engagement

Ulula’s technology empowers anonymous real-time communications within supply chains to reduce risk, respond to challenges, exceed compliance requirements, improve productivity and help advance working conditions around the world.
Surveys Expert-designed and field-tested questionnaires to measure sentiments across key indicators of well-being, working conditions, environmental impacts, health and safety, and more.

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Grievance Mechanism
Grievance Mechanism Anonymous incident reporting tool to identify problems early and facilitate meaningful remediation through real-time case management.

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Broadcast & Alerts
Broadcast & Alerts Organize outreach campaigns, send alerts and share targeted information with workers, communities and other stakeholders.

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Training & Resources
Training & Resources Deliver engaging training on skills development, rights education, and more to mitigate labor and human rights exploitation from the ground up.

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Dashboard & Analytics
Dashboard & Analytics Get a macro view of risks by region, project and various demographic filters through dashboards that aggregate and visualize worker and community response data in real-time.

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Why Clients Use Ulula

Get worker insights to drive continuous improvement

Get direct feedback from workers and local communities in your supply chains to identify risks early and remediate issues effectively.

Maintain business continuity

Achieve consistent and seamless risk management through real-time insights on workplace risks, operational disruptions and workforce productivity and engagement.

Measure social, and environmental and governance (ESG) impacts

Track performance against key indicators to support ongoing improvements, honest disclosure, and ethical investments.

Simplify social compliance

Conduct remote assessments aligned with international regulations, certifications, standards and corporate sustainability requirements.

Get visibility into your supply chain

Monitor your supply chain at scale, by going deeper and broader, even beyond Tier 1, to improve accountability and reduce reputational risk.

The Ulula Advantage

multiple communication channels


Communicate across channels—SMS, WhatsApp, interactive voice response (IVR), Android and iOS app—on both simple and smartphones anywhere in the world.


Remote assessments, alerts, training and manage grievances in any language or dialect, including indigenous languages.
Anytime icon


Automated worker and community engagement, impact measurement and two-way communication at scale.


Connect safely and anonymously with workers and communities to protect them from retaliation and foster honest feedback and dialogue.

Engaging Workers and Communities Globally

People Engaged

Languages Delivered


Projects Completed

As featured in

Learn how Ulula helps reduce risk and create value in global supply chains